Saturday, January 3, 2009


I forgot to do the Rollyo. Ooooops again, here is the message I received when I clicked on the Rollyo link on "School Library Learning 2.0":

The link you came here on appears to be from a 'link spammer' trying to promote their site through Rollyo. These links are a nuisance to the community, a nuisance to our site, and ultimately not very nice. If you think you are getting this page in error, drop us a line and we'll try to get to the bottom of it.
Please note: When this spamming and related searching is deemed to be illegal, Rollyo will not hesitate to disclose information to authorities, including but not limited to the FBI and Interpol, if we have a good faith belief that such disclosure is necessary to enforce or apply our policies or to protect the rights, property, or personal safety of Rollyo, our users, our employees, or the public. Please see our privacy policy for more information on the limited circumstances under which we may disclose your personal information.

At any rate I will now compete the Rollyo. I set up a Rollyo account and it is pretty cool. I see alot of potential for the library website. Right now I have links on the library page. It would be cool to link them to different pages. At any rate, here is my link:



  1. Rollyo is a cool tool. I like it because I can control what the kids are searching, while still giving them the impression that they are doing a regular search...kind of like hiding wheat germ in the chocolate chip cookies. ;-)

  2. Try as I might I couldn't get the Rollyo link to give me that error message that you got. Where on the SLL page did you click?

  3. It was one of the links. Listen I was working on my sons lap top up until now and I don't have the scusd link on this computer. Can you send it to me. I have been working off of the CSLA Page.

  4. I guess this is the explanation:

    A note on comment spam that includes the rollyo domain: These nasty spam messages are not coming from us. Unfortunately, some unpleasant web citizens have been performing site-specific searches at search engines and then spamming comment boards, etc, with the resulting urls. We recognize that this use is not in compliance with our terms of use and we are diligently working to block the ability to conduct these searches as we identify the terms that are being used. We also recommend Askimet for combatting such comment spam. We apologize for the hassle if you've received any of this garbage..

    Please drop us a line at teamrollyo |at| gmail |dot| com with any comments, concerns, ideas, or bugs (especially bugs!). We appreciate anything you have to say.

    The Rollyo Team

